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“New construction work starting, the Refrigerated Packaging and Storage Building at Misato site, Bushu Pharmaceutical”
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“New construction work starting, the Refrigerated Packaging and Storage Building at Misato site, Bushu Pharmaceutical”
In the autumn, on Sep.20, 2019, the Ground-breaking ceremony was held for the construction of the Refrigerated Packaging and Storage Building at Misato site.
A total of 18 people participated from Bushu Pharmaceuticals; the customers who have contracted to utilize for their own products, Mr. Yokohama(President/CEO), Mr. Takano (Vice President/COO), Mr. Wakahara( trade union executive chairman) and so on.
Fortunately, the customers were also able to participate to the ceremony. They will use the refrigerated packaging and storage building
It was great that everybody prayed together for safety construction for operation from the summer of 2020.
✲Please click the link and enjoy the scene of the ceremony at Youtube.

It should be noted that at present, this refrigerated warehouse already has more than 3 customers. Other contractors are also interested in completing the project.

1. Floor area
1st floor: 1,554m2 2nd floor: 1,274m2 3rd floor: 1,252m2
2. Use
Refrigerated packaging, General secondary packaging, Packaging inspection, Cold storage
3. Storage capacity
300 pallets (phase 1), 600 pallets (phase 2) and 900 pallets (phase 3) (2 to 8 °C)
4. Earthquake countermeasures
The most suitable vibration reduction equipment can reduce shaking motion up to about 1/2
5. Business continuity planning
Continuous operations for one week with in-house generator and heavy oil storage
6. Others
Achieving appropriate temperature control from receipt to delivery (Pre-arrival room: 2 to 15 °C, handling area: 2 to 8 °C)
7. Construction period (planned): from Oct.1, 2019 though July 31, 2020 For further information, please contact to us.
Bushu Marketing thru Email: About us
Bushu Pharmaceuticals Ltd. was established in August 1998 as an independent pharmaceutical contract manufacturer. Bushu has capital of 1 billion yen. Bushu carries out contract manufacturing and packaging of clinical trials and commercial products in accordance with latest GMP standards. Through the utilization of know-how and latest industry information, Bushu prides itself in being able to offer added-value solutions to customers. For more information, refer to our website:
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